Some thoughts and reflections from Men's FIGHT CLUB held on Sunday, May 28th at GENESIS. To learn more about FIGHT CLUB, please visit www.genesisthejourney.com. Next FIGHT CLUB is Sunday, April 18th at 6:30 PM.
Men like William Wallace and Maximus Decimus Meridius inspire most men. They were men who lived with passion and conviction, a character trait most men long to have. Not only was there passion and conviction in how they lived, but married to this passion and conviction was a reckless pursuit of something far greater than themselves.
I am convinced that if men want to rise above mediocrity to become godly men, they will be men of great passion and conviction. Some will argue that passion and conviction are personality traits reserved for the more charismatic and extroverted types, but to see passion and conviction as personality traits would be a grave mistake. Passion and conviction are character traits that are born deep within a man who longs to live for something greater than himself.
If a man wants to be a godly man, he will not be confused as to who his God is and how he pursues godliness. Some will argue that pursuing God and godliness is easy, anyone can do it. The reality is that those same people who argue that are typically the most self-absorbed, self-focused, and self-centered men. Any man can live life seeking to make much of himself, but it takes a courageous man, a godly man to die to himself daily, not seeking to make much of himself, but of the God he follows – namely Jesus!
I believe that a godly man pursues God and godliness in such a way that he cannot and will not be distracted from that which he pursues. Do you know what or who you are pursuing? Is what you are pursuing really worth it?
Many men will struggle to answer these questions because we pursue anything and everything that will advance our name, our cause, our pleasure. A godly man who pursues godliness will know how to pursue God and godliness. He will know how to pursue his wife or girlfriend in such a way that God is honored and she is blessed because she is being pursued as she deserves to be pursued. He will know how to pursue a relationship with his children in such a way that God will be honored and his kids will be loved, trained and equipped to one day walk with God as well. He will lead in such a way that those he leads will grow closer in relationship not with him, but with the God he continues to make much of.
The Apostle Paul did not want his spiritual son Timothy to be confused as to what he should be pursuing. “But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called…” 1 Timothy 6:11-12
Called to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.
Called to pursue eternal life, meaning we don’t pursue things that will not last.
In a 2nd letter from Paul to Timothy, he calls Timothy to “Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” 2 Timothy 2:22
What a tragedy it is to see a man who physically looks different 20 years removed from High School, but still lives and acts as he did when he was in High School. If you are to be a godly man, there must come a point where you say enough is enough, I’m done living like a little boy in a grown man’s body.
If you are to be a godly man who pursues the things and ways of God, you must…
1. Know whom you serve – see Joshua 24:14-15
2. Know what God wants you to do – see Acts 13:22
3. Know what distracts, detours, and derails you – see Hebrews 12:1-3
I’ve by no means arrived, but one thing I know for sure – I know my God and His name is Jesus. I’m done with seeking to make much of me because to be honest, there’s not much to make much of. It doesn’t take much to be a man, but it will take a death to self to be a godly man. A godly man knows his God and pursues godliness know matter the cost to himself. Who's in?
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