Monday, September 27, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Best Advice Ever...

Once upon a time, there was a boy who really loved a girl. He loved being with her for every time he was with her, everything was better. It did not matter what it was, it just was always better when he was with her. This boy knew he wanted to be with this girl forever, but he was scared to ask her the question. He could not articulate why he was scared, but he knew he was. So this boy asked his friends who had already asked the question and they would always say to the boy – “you’ll just know.” He would always walk away feeling frustrated that he did not know for he had been with this girl for a long time.
Then one day it happened. The boy met with his pastor and asked him the question that he had asked so many before – “how do you know if she is the one?” After making some small talk, the boy just came out with. “Pastor Larry, how do I know if she is the one for me?” Without hesitation, Pastor Larry with boldness, conviction and a smile on his face replied – “when you meet a girl that you have to run to keep with, then you know she is the one for you.” As soon as Pastor Larry spoke, the boy had his answer for he knew that the girl he loved would be one that he would have to run to keep up with.
As not to be confused in this epic tale being spun, running is a metaphor for the spiritual condition of one’s heart and soul. This girl was genuine in her passion of loving Jesus and loving others. If this boy even had a shot to keep up with her nonetheless lead her, there would be no room for lollygagging for he would have to sprint just to keep in step with her. The advice Pastor Larry gave this boy 13 years ago was the best advice ever! Ten days later, the boy put a ring on this girls finger and 4 months after that, this boy stood before 400 people and promised to love this girl forever.
Today is a special day for the girl for she celebrates the day she came into this world. She is more beautiful to the boy today than she was when he first saw her. But there is a beauty that transcends what the eye can see and when one catches a glimpse of this beauty of soul, it both captivates and inspires. The boy continues to be captivated and inspired by the girls love for Jesus and her love for people. She longs to love Him more and be increasingly loving to those who cross her path which makes her ever more beautiful to the boy who loves her more today than when he first asked her the question. There are days when the boy gets tired of running just to keep up with the girl, but he is so thankful that she continues to run so hard.
On this special day when the girl turns 37, the boy wants his girl to hear the words – “keep running.” The girl is now not only making a profound difference in the boy’s life, but in the lives of three little people as well. We all see you and love you. We are all so grateful for you. We are all so blessed and thankful that you’ve run so well so far – keep running for it is a joy to run with you. Happy Birthday K – love m, t, r & c…
Saturday, September 4, 2010

This past Tuesday, I enjoyed a day at the beach with my family. We’d been to this beach before, but on this particular day, the waves were rather large – a few that even crashed over my head. At first, the kids were a bit trepidacious about playing in the waves because they were so much taller than them, but it did not take long before they soon could not get enough of being knocked over by the waves. As soon as one would knock them over, they would get back up and look for another one to jump into. This went on for hours – literally. For those of you who are familiar with the beauty and magnificence of the ocean, you know something about waves – they just keep coming. Sometimes they are small, and sometimes they are large – but regardless of size, they just keep coming.
As I considered these waves that just kept coming, I could not help but reflect on the love of God. His love towards humanity - towards me - towards you, just keeps coming. There have been seasons where the waves of His love knocked me off my feet, and there have been seasons where His love is demonstrated in in smaller yet steady ways. Point being, His love for people just keeps coming. And similar to my children playing in the waves the other day, one who has stepped into the waves of God's love, they cannot help but keep going back for more.
As my children could not get enough of the waves, there were some who were missing it all. There were a few in the water that day enjoying the power of the waves, but there were even more who were just sitting on the shore just watching the handful of us playing in the waves. For certain, there would be many reasons why not everyone was in the water that day, but I can’t think of one good reason why everyone would not want to live in the waves of God's love - can you? I imagine that for many its similar to my children who were nervous at first at the sheer enormity of the waves coupled with the uncertainty of what would happen to them once in the water, but they entered in. There must be a point of decision for us all - will I enter into the water, or will I stand on the shore?
For those who might read this and think to yourself that the love of God is great in theory, but you struggle to believe that God loves you because you've never experienced it before - my encouragement to you would be to turn your eyes to the greatest demonstration of God's love towards humanity {which includes you} - the cross of Jesus Christ.