Have you ever told yourself something that was a lie? Has time went on, you actually began to believe it to be true. For years, I told myself that I was 6.2, when in actuality, I’m only 6.1. It happens a lot – lies get so deeply embedded in us that we actually begin to embrace them as truth.
As you consider your speech, how much of what you say is actually true? The mouth gives voice to the heart, so how much of what your heart says is true? How much of what you say is exaggeration, half-truths, ‘white lies’, deceptive, sarcastic or manipulative?
Why do we do this? Why do we lie so often. Its rarely the case that we intentionally plot out elaborate lies, but why is it that when talking to people, before we know it, lies are spewing forth? How is it that lies seem to flow a lot quicker and more frequent then the truth does? I believe that we lie because we want to appear before others in a certain way and the truth does not always match up with how we want to appear. So the LIE helps us achieve the perception we ultimately want to project.
Many might argue that what we lie about is ultimately not that big of a deal, but the reality is that our words are a really big deal to God. Matthew 12:36 – “But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.” This is a verse that sends shivers up and down my spine because I have let many careless words fly out of my mouth.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus challenged His listeners to a higher standard of speech. Matthew 5:37 – “Simply let your `Yes' be `Yes,' and your `No,' `No'” We are called and commanded to be people who speak the truth – at all times – in all places – no matter who our audience is. But how?
Many of us tell lies because we are afraid of what the TRUTH might bring. So in order to manipulate outcomes to our favor, we lie. When we lie in order to achieve or accomplish certain outcomes, we reveal a reality about ourselves that we don’t want to admit – we don’t trust God! If we believe that God can work all things in order to accomplish His will in our life, then there is no need to lie. Often the thought goes something like this: “If people knew the truth, then I wouldn’t be able to…”
If we have to lie in order to accomplish what we think is God’s will, then its safe to say there is a confusion as to whose will is actually being pursued. The reality is that lying (sin) will always find us out {Numbers 32:23}. What we think will never be discovered will be uncovered in time. It might be a few days, weeks, months or even years, but the truth will always be discovered. The beauty of being honest upfront is that we not only honor God with our speech, but we won’t always be wondering what lies were told, and what lies need to keep being told in order to keep the story going.
Jesus calls his followers to truthful speech at all times, in all places no matter who our audience may be. Let it be said of you that when you speak, your audience is not left wondering if what you’ve said is true.
To watch or listen to the full message called LIAR, visit the GENESIS website.