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Some questions to consider…
What is at the CENTER of your LIFE? We all have something or someone at the CENTER of who we are. And whatever is at the center drives us to do what we do, act like we act, think like we think, or respond like we respond. Simply put, whatever is at the center determines who we are, and who we are becoming.
For some, FEAR is at the center. And if FEAR is at the center of who you are, your life will be marked by INSECURITY – a life that is desperate to be loved, accepted and embraced. The desperation is so great that you’ll do whatever you can to obtain the favor and approval of others in hopes that you’ll be able to taste the security that comes with knowing you are loved.
For some, ANGER is at the center. And if ANGER is at your center, then your life will be marked by UN-FORGIVENESS. Not only will you lack joy, but when ANGER is at the center, there will be a trail of broken relationships largely due to your inability to forgive, be gracious, compassionate and merciful.
For some, LUST is at the center. And if LUST is at the center of who you are, then your life will be marked by EMPTINESS. You will always be telling yourself, “If I could only have that, then I would be filled and content.” Your life will be a constant chase of consuming that which you hope will fill – whether that be the relationships, career, fame, fortune, etc. The pain is great when you realize that what you’ve chased not only did not fill, but only exposed how great your emptiness actually is.
For some, TIME {past, present, future} is at the center. And if TIME is at the center of who you are, then you will live an utterly CONFUSED life. The confusion comes because you’ll allow your past to not only shape who you are, but who you are becoming. For some, the present is marked by an overwhelming sense of worry & anxiety over what was, what is and what ‘might be’. For others, thoughts of the future fill you with paralyzing uncertainty because of thoughts like: ‘what if that or this happens?’, or, ‘what if they do that or don’t do that?’, or, ‘what will I do, or where will I go and when will that actually happen?’
We ALL have someone or something at the CENTER, it's just a matter of identifying what’s at your center. When we decide to place the GOSPEL at the center, the core of who we are, something amazing happens –
There is no need for FEAR which manifests itself in insecurity because the Gospel declares that I am loved perfectly, completely and unconditionally {1 John 4:18; Romans 8:35-39}.
There is no place for ANGER which manifests itself in un-forgiveness because the Gospel floods our life with the love, mercy, compassion and the grace of God, and that which is at the center of you, overflows to those around you. The Gospel brings freedom from anger, and births within us healthy fruit {Galatians 5:22-23} that breads healthy, deep, meaningful relationships with those around you.
There is no room for LUST which manifests itself in emptiness because the Gospel at work in us does what only the Gospel can do – it fills us completely. Not only does the Gospel fill, it brings with it great contentment {John 10:10; Philippians 4:12-13}.
There is no concern over time which manifests itself in a confused life because the Gospel at work in our lives brings transformation. The Gospel does not cover past wounds with band-aids. The Gospel does not offer cliché answers to present situations and circumstances which are neither helpful nor beneficial. The Gospel does not speak of empty promises for your days ahead. The Gospel transforms time – meaning, the Gospel at work in us leads us to declare that I can trust God in ALL things at ALL times because He is Faithful, Sovereign, and Worthy of my trust. The Gospel not only redeems time {past, present, future} and ALL that has happened within it – but the Gospel has the power to transform you so that it is not time that shapes you, but the Gospel! {Genesis 45:7-8, 50:20}
If you are going to have the Gospel at the center of your life, you must understand fully what the Gospel declares. The Gospel means Good News, so what is the Good News of the Gospel? This question will be answered in The Gospel – Part II.