My college pastor told me that it is a good idea. He even went one step further and said that it was a Biblical command. I responded: ‘I don’t have anything to give.’ His response was transformational – “Michael, learn how to be generous and your giving will not be impacted by what you have or don’t have.” Perplexed, I mulled over his words and realized that giving is not always tied into being a generous person. Anyone can give, but I didn’t want to be just anyone, I wanted to grow and mature into being a generous person.
How about you? Would you use generosity as an adjective to describe your character? Like me, you might answer by saying you don’t have anything to give. But I want to encourage you to consider that giving and being generous are not always married together. Simply stated, not everyone who gives is generous, but people who are generous will always be found giving. The question is not which one are you, but which one would you like to be?
The Men and women of GENESIS seek to reflect the character of God to a world that is in desperate need of knowing that God not only exists, but that He cares. How does God show that He cares? He is generous beyond compare. As I’ve studied the Scriptures, I continue to see that God’s generosity is without end:
• John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son…”
• Romans 8:32 – “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all--how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?”
How might we reflect the generosity of God to those around us? We ALL need to grow in the grace of giving; that we would learn how to be a generous people. The Apostle Paul made clear, the root of generosity is joy; and joy stems from the gospel at work in each of us. Grasped by the grace of God joy can be seen in our generosity.
The churches in
2 Corinthians 8:2-3 – “Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability.”
Let it be said of GENESIS that we give beyond our ability. As GENESIS moves forward into God’s call to church plant, you will have the opportunity like the Macedonian churches to be generous. On Sunday, June 7th, we will make a financial pledge of how we will support what God is doing within GENESIS.
Over the next two weeks, I would ask that you seek the Lord as to how He would have you use the resources that He has entrusted to you to support the work of His church.
The needs of GENESIS will be many, but generous people have a way of meeting needs.
Please don’t let your giving be done with an attitude of ‘I have to do this’. Rather be joyful knowing your generosity towards God’s work reflects to the WORLD the very character of God.