If you get a 'Dear John' letter, you've been dumped, broken-up with, left and abandoned. 'Dear John' letters are neither pleasant nor kind - they hurt! It's one thing to break-up with someone in person, but to receive the 'break-up' news via letter, text, Facebook message is even more painful. The one positive thing about the 'Dear John' letter is that they are clear, and they are final. 'Dear John' letters make crystal clear that the one writing the letter wants nothing to do with the one reading the letter anymore. Bottom line - the relationship is over!
After beginning a relationship with Jesus, many people carry on side relationships. We say that we've been captivated by the love of Jesus, but we still like to flirt with other lovers. We believe that Jesus is savior, but we continue to look to other things in hopes that they will do for us what we think Jesus will not. For some, the side relationship is with pornography, alcohol or drugs. For some, it's a relationship. For others it's work, possessions, or status. Point being, we look to these things to bring us comfort, relief, happiness, fulfillment, purpose, meaning, etc. As long as we keep these side relationships going on, our relationship with Jesus will go nowhere. So what do we do? Answer - 'Dear John' these relationships. Break-up with them! Be ruthless, be clear, be decisive - these side relationships must end if your relationship with Jesus is going to flourish.
This past week, I took sometime to pray and ask God what side-relationships I still continue to flirt with. When God revealed to me what they were, I wrote them a 'Dear John' letter. I can't tell you how helpful and freeing it was to write this letter. Consider writing your own 'Dear John' letter - here's mine...
Dear pride, anger & insecurity – you have no appeal to me anymore. I see through your false and empty promises. I no longer will pursue your ‘anti-glories.’ I’ve lived with the pain, shame, guilt and disappointment that comes with pursuing you for far too long. I have been found and loved completely by another – His name is Jesus. I will not come when you call nor will I keep you around as my back-up plan. Jesus is completely sufficient for me. I’ve given ALL of my heart, mind, soul and strength to Him and to Him alone – I belong wholly to Jesus and Jesus alone! md4jc